❤️ Support BuildML

If you find BuildML helpful and would like to support its development, there are several ways you can contribute:

☕ Buy Me a Coffee

You can show your appreciation by buying me a coffee. Every little bit helps and goes directly towards keeping this project maintained and improving.

Buy Me a Coffee

🌟 Sponsorship

Consider becoming a sponsor to provide ongoing support. Sponsors receive special recognition and exclusive perks:

  • 🎉 Exclusive updates on the latest features and developments.

  • 🚀 Early access to pre-releases and beta versions.

  • 📢 Special mention in the project documentation and README.

Become a sponsor by clicking on the “Sponsor” button on the BuildML repository.

👩‍💻 Contribute

If you’re a developer, you can contribute directly by:

  • 🐛 Reporting bugs or suggesting improvements by opening issues.

  • 🛠 Submitting pull requests to enhance the codebase.

No contribution is too small, and your involvement is highly appreciated!

Thank you for considering supporting BuildML! Your generosity keeps the project alive and thriving. 🚀